Enraptured Matter: Infusing Bliss into the Fabric of Existence

Enraptured Matter: Infusing Bliss into the Fabric of Existence by David Pearce

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Titles and Covers
Sentience Research
What's it like to be a Philosopher?

DP Interview
Future Opioids
Utopian Surgery
Wirehead Hedonism
Social Media (2024)
Paradise Engineering
Utopian Neuroscience
The Abolitionist Project
Quotations on Suffering
Superintelligence (2013)
Quora Answers (2015-24)
Reprogramming Predators
The Reproductive Revolution
MDMA: Utopian Pharmacology
Transhumans and Transhumanists
Critique of Huxley's Brave New World
Gene Drives and a Happy Biosphere (2016)